Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014

Elder Hardy versus Sherbrooke round five GO!

Yeah so Elder Wilbur and I are staying in Sherbrooke, only Elder Freeze is leaving. He is headed to Fallowfield in Ottowa, the ward he lived in for a large portion of his life.  Elder Freeze and I have been in the same appartment since I started my mission. It is really hard to see him go. Also Sister Norris (yes that one) is coming to Sherbrooke. We are going to be in the same district. 

In other news Carole finally got confirmed. The change in her demeanor in just the last few weeks has been amazing. Her testimony is so strong that it blows me away. Also we have a tough situation with our other investigator. He wants to get baptized and tells us he is ready. He claims it has been five weeks since he smoked, but we are pretty sure it hasn't. The problem is that we only have suspicions. We are moving foreward with it, but we aren't comfortable with it. But it is not our place to be judges. These things are between him and the Lord. We have been very clear with him about how serious the covenants of baptism are, and he still wants to go foreward; so we are going foreward.

Why did I name this letter "Season of Soul?" because that is the official name I have given this transfer.   Also this last transfer was "Freezing in the Wind," which is totally the hit song that me and Elder Freeze are going to make with our band "Suicidal Bananas."

I am so excited that Jordan will get her call soon!!!! YSDFKJSLDKFJ!!!!
I am sure she is coming here. She just has to. It is the only place where we can eat American food but still learn French. The only problem is that the only Wendys' are in Ottowa plus one in Montreal. I really like the whole keeping the Sabbath focus. I have kind of made prayer a focus with the people we are teaching here. I feel like reading is great, and church attendance is vital, but prayer is really how we develop a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father, and that is the only way to make it through the challenges that come in our lives.

As for the Costco card we haven't been to Costco since I got the correct number. We are able to buy in such bulk that we don't need to go every week. The first time i was missing the last number so when we go today it will work.

I don't really need anything right now.  I am still working on the candy and Christmas cookies. The scarf and sweater are much appreciated though. In fact I am wearing the sweater right now. 

I think that is all for now. I love you guys a lot!

Elder Hardy of Nottingham

Picture time!
The reason for my band name: 

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