Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 20, 2015

another week another destiny, on this never ending road to Calvary

I'm not sure if I've used that subject already. It isn't really a reference to anything particular. I remembered how much I love that music yesterday and so I've been singing it. 

This week was slower, but it had its miracles. On Friday we met with M, a recent convert, and he had invited his neighbor, T, over to meet us. We had a first lesson and it went well. We set an appointment to help her paint her apartment and Mbrought her to church on Sunday! It was awesome! Also the Woman and her daughters who we visited last Sunday were at church as well! They slipped out after Sacrament meeting, but it was a big step for them! We're seeing them again tonight.

In other news I don't sleep much anymore; my mind just races and turns as I fight off thoughts of what will happen after the mission. Any advice on how to combat that would earn my undying love.

I was told my flight plans a while ago, but haven't received a copy of them yet. Should get them very soon. I know I'm leaving at 10a.m. and arriving like 11p.m. I've got layovers in New York and Salt Lake (don't ask me why).

Haven't received the package yet, but we're swinging by the mission office today so I should get it then. Can't think of anything else I'm supposed to answer.

I love you all!
Elder Hardy

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