Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 13, 2015

Happy Belated Birthday to all the family whos' birthdays I forgot but who didn't forget mine

Thanks for the happy birthday wishes! My birthday yesterday was pretty normal, just a normal Sunday with the visits and the teaching and the missionary work. Had some cool miracles though. We brought along our ward's high councilor for a few hours and when we ran out of visits to make earlier than expected, I called up someone who came to my mind and visited a less-active sister and her mostly-active son. She was and emotional wreck and really needed a visit and a blessing, both of which we were able to provide to her great relief. Then, still having time, the High Councilor called up another name that came to his mind and we visited another less active sister I'd never met and her two daughters. Turns out both Sisters are less-active because of a huge fight that happened about 6 months ago and we were able to talk about it with the second sister and encourage her to put aside her pride and do what is best for her daughters. We gave all three blessings afterwards and set a return appointment. It was awesome. Also one of our recent converts knew that one of his neighbors was a former investigator and saw that her 14 year old son was falling into some bad stuff and the mother was panicking about it. He convinced her (correctly) that the church was exactly what he needs and brought them both to church and arranged himself to have them in his home this Friday so we can start teaching them. We're rather impressed and happy with Brother Bi right now. He just sees someone in dire spiritual need and just responds with firmness and love to guide them to the church (a.k.a the solution to their problem). That's the kind of person I want to be.

I only really told one person about my birthday, our investigator C. She had us over for dinner on Sunday and there was cake and she gave us chocolate and a card that she said not to open till I was gone. It had 20 bucks in it. I was quite upset, but I new if I went back she would never take the money back. Not really sure what to do with it now.

In other news I'm happy to hear that the garden is going well. Honest confession, totally psyched I didn't have to push the wheelbarrows full of dirt. Now I know I've grown up enough that I would have done it without complaint; but still a wheelbarrow not pushed is still a good wheelbarrow (lol).

Also Paige you can come cook for me and my companion here in Montreal. We'll pay you. Neither of us really likes to cook, so our meals are lame. Your steak looked better than anything I've ever produced (except this pizza I bought once. It was awesome. Buying counts as providing by the way)

Today we're going to the south shore to hang out with some Elders I'm really tight with from earlier on my mission. Kind of my birthday present to myself. Luckily the high counselor drove us around yesterday so we are doing great on klicks. 

I took a video rather than pictures of the cake and happy birthday song (on accident) and I can't send that over e-mail so we'll have to wait until my return to watch it together.

Transfer calls were Saturday. No changes for me and Elder Hernandez. No surprise. It's the next one I'm nervous for.

Love you all!
Elder Hardy

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