Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December 8, 2014

A farewell to arms, and Elder Spencer

So to summarize, I am not being transferred, but Elder Spencer is leaving me. He is going to be district leader in Dows Lake!!!! I came from that ward to become his companion, and he's so awesome I sent him back to take care of all my friends! He's going to be awesome, even though I'll miss him a lot. He was definitely one of my top 7 companions so far (lol). In his stead I'll be receiving Elder Pesquiera. Don't know him really at all. I am good buddies with his trainer, but him I know not. I guess I am going to get to know him. I'm excited because he speaks Spanish. That is incredibly useful in this ward. 

Yes we'll be spending Christmas with a family that we know, or at least I do. I feel bad for missionaries being transferred this transfer, they only have like two weeks to get to know people. My district is getting a new team (giving me 6 calls on sunday nights and 7 splits to do a transfer) and they aren't going to know anyone at all. Luckily one of them is hispanic so they won't have THAT hard of a time.

As far as the camera cord goes, yes I could use another one unfortunately. I probably left the cord here in the FHC and it got absorbed into their piles of extra cords. 

I only served with Sister Norris for one transfer yes. It's so frightening to me that my sisters are going home!!! That's bad news when the sisters from your transfer go home! We had zone conference a few weeks ago and Sister Rios bore her testimony (she's from my transfer) and it really touched me. She has been a missionary longer than she's been a non-missionary member of the Church. The strength of her testimony and the advantage it gave her over other recent converts to have served a mission just increased my desire to accomplish my biggest dream on a mission: to help someone join the church who then goes on a mission. I haven't been blessed with an overwhelming number of baptisms on my mission (yet), but I crave that solid knowledge that I changed not just the lives of people I met, but the lives of those around them. I suppose that I shouldn't assume I haven't made a difference, but it is still a dream of mine.

I love you all so much!!!

Elder Hardy

Me and Elder Spencer at the ward Christmas party:    

The Dream Team

me being epic

Me Elder Spencer and Elder Dawagne a long time ago  
me being stealthy

The Terrebonne teams

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