Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 22, 2013

Rees left the MTC on July 23! He called us at 5:30 this morning and it was wonderful to hear his voice! He is now actually in Montreal and getting settled in. We can't wait to get his next letter and hear all about his new home! 

July 22, 2013

Hey guys! Sorry this is so early. We got up really early so that we could do our laundry and pack. The process of leaving here is sometimes a hassle, but not too bad. I haven't mailed the things yet, but I will today. This place is so busy that it can be difficult to find time to mail a package. I am proud of Ronnie for his work, and proud of Paige and Tanner for their trekking. I'm super glad that Jordan is getting more involved. Tell her to remember that nobody is really qualified to convert people. All the Lord needs from us is faith and a smile (and a willingness to work, but that leads into a discussion on what faith is). Some of the missionaries in my district are far less talented and capable than her, but they will all make wonderful missionaries. I still believe that she can be at least in the MTC before winter comes this year.

I want to tell you about Sister Rios, a missionary in our district. She is 21, shorter than Jordan I think, and often times struggles. She is called to Spanish and French because she listed herself as already knowing Spanish. However, she anticipated receiving further instruction in Spanish, and it isn't really fluent. Now she is stuck struggling to pick up French while worrying that the Spanish she has is slipping away. Despite all this her attitude has remained incredible. She is happy to be here, and confident that her French will come, and her Spanish improve. What makes her faith all the more impressive is that she has only been a member for a year and a half. She joined the church all alone in her family. She gave up tea, coffee, partying on Sundays, and many other things to be a member. When she gets back she will have spent half her time as a Mormon out in the field. Jordan, if sister Rios can serve, so can you. Don't ever feel that you are inadequate in ability or gospel knowledge.

My letter is going to be short today because I am going to be talking to you guys tomorrow morning. I expect everyone to be awake, even Jordan and Paige. I will be calling from Salt Lake because our layover in Detroit is very short. I AM SO PUMPED TO GO!!! My biggest worries now are a). Introducing myself to my first ward in French, or b). Spending the first three months of my mission in an English area, and c). being required to train after my third transfer, in a French area, after having been trained in an English area. Those prospects make me a little nervous, but otherwise I am excited. The MTC is good because it weans you off of your old habits and recreations. Now I am more used to scripture study being important, always striving to keep the spirit with me, and having lessons be the most exciting thing that can possibly happen.

I have faith that mine will be a good and successful mission. I cannot wait to serve the people in Canada. I cannot wait to talk to you all tomorrow morning. Did you guys manage to find "Character of Christ?" Elder Critchfield's Dad managed to find it online somewhere, but not on LDS.org. Also, did you do the little thingy I suggested with 2 Nephi 2? That chapter is one of my favorites and really helped me gain an appreciation for Le Livre de Mormon.

Your eldest son and brother,
Elder Hardy (by the way have I mentioned that our name means "bold" in French?)

Wow, just realized that I have a whole half an hour left to write. I guess I'll keep writing. I don't know what I should talk about. I am trying to be good at writing in my journal. Most of my entries are a few lines basically saying that the day was fine, but yesterday I managed to write two pages. I accomplished this by using my journal to take notes on the farewell devotional that we went to. The devotionals are wonderful. Last week's Sunday speaker was a former President of the Spokane mission. He told stories referencing several places in Spokane that I knew.

I would type in French, but these darn laundry room computers can't do the accents. Suffice it to say that I have mastered the present tense, Past Composed, imperfect, future, conditional, passive voice, and am working on mastering the present subjunctive. A bigger obstacle than the grammar is the vocab. I know a ton of gospel vocab, but very little practical vocab. I'm certain that I will learn very fast in Quebec, but I sometimes wish that i knew now.

Elder Madsen and Elder Starr arrived this Wednesday. I was able to host Kyle Madsen, and spend time talking to both of them. It was crazy to see Kyle Starr. I never imagined that we'd be in the MTC at the same time.

I have decided that my motto for my mission will be the scripture in Joshua that reads "Be ye therefore strong and of a good courage. Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with the withersoever thou goest."

Now I am out of time. I love you guys. I can't wait to hear your voices tomorrow.


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