Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 3, 2014

Hello the Fams!! 

So you guys want a run through of a missionary day huh? First I will address some concerns: Jordan, I can't tell you exactly what it requires for you to establish good habits, I can only tell you what happened to me. I went into the MTC, and some of my problems just vanished, such as waking up and going to bed on time. Other ones are a continual struggle to completely vanquish, but I can bear testimony that any of the Lords servants who are earnestly seeking to follow his commandments will find that he has prepared a way for them to do so. All God asks is that we are sincerely trying to change, Christ's atonement takes care of the rest. 

Also Jimmy got baptized yesterday. I'll send some pictures now that the computer is deciding to notice the camera again.

Now for a normal missionary day (in Quebec): I'll do this last friday because that was a pretty good day.

               6:30 to 8 exercise, shower, and eat
               8 to 11 studies
               11 to 12 lunch
               12 to 1 Lesson with Scott (less active)
               1:30 to 2:30 Lesson with John (recent convert)
               2:30 to 3:30 lesson with Jimmy accompanied by John (investigator)
               3:30 to 4:30 weekly planning (it's Friday. normally we'd knock here)
               4:30 to 5:30 eat dinner
               5:30 to 6:30 pick up John and drive to Stanstead for lesson
               6:30 to 7:30 lesson with Mr. and Mrs. Ruf and John (new investigators)
               7:30 to 8:30 return to sherbrooke
               8:30 to 9 try to finish weekly planning (didn't had to finish the next day)
               9 to 9:30 nightly planning
               9:30 to 10:30 unwind and prepare for bed
               10:30 bed

So that is a pretty busy day in Sherbrooke. Some days see less lessons and more knocking and member work, but all in all that is what it is like. It is far crazier in other missions. If you serve somewhere in Utah you don't nightly plan I've heard. The ward mission leaders call you and tell you what your schedule is, who you are teaching (lessons all day every day) and what you are teaching. Elder Wilbur met someone who waited for his visa in Orem and he had 21 baptisms in two weeks. So yea, the work varies from place to place.

Anyway, pictures time: Me Elder Wilbur, Bishop, Jimmy, and John

January 27, 2014

WWWWWHHHHAAAATTTT!!!! Mission call?!?!?!? OREGON!!! Wow. I am so happy!! Jordan you are going to be a wonderful missionary! Just don't be surprised when your trainer is like barely 19 years old. Also we will only be seperated by a little less than six months! I am so excited!

In other news our investigator's baptism is this coming Sunday. I can't believe it is going to be February in just a few days.  This last two weeks were the best weeks either of us has ever had with referrals. We received 2, and contacted 5 this last week. We are beginning to find the value of coming into member's homes and bringing the spirit. 

I have also been amazed to find that I have grown close to several families in the ward. The Beaudoin family, the Bergeron family, and Bishop Desjourdy's family have all grown very dear to me. It will be extremely difficult when I finally leave Sherbrooke to say goodbye to them. 

Also we went down to the Stanstead area last Thursday to contact some referrals. We wandered around the Ayer's Cliff and Way's Mill areas and went to Stanstead to see the border. We wanted to get as close as possible to get a picture, but we ended up on a road that WAS the border. One side of the road was U.S, the other Canada. When we passed a sign facing the other way saying "Bienvenue au Quebec" we turned around and drove back very fast. We didn't actually leave the mission, but we got way too close for comfort.

With regards to the glasses I keep just forgetting to put them on. I still need to get the nice ones fixed. The problem is every time I try to get the Costco card they just give me a temporary day pass. I'm getting frustrated.

Anyway we are going to play Risk and maybe some basketball with the sisters today for p-day, so that should be fun. Don't worry, none of it is against mission rules. We recently had a rule change that we could do activities with the sisters on p-days so now we hang out most p-days.

That is just about all. Oh and transfers are in three weeks, but we get mail every time there is a zone funcition, and there is a zone training meeting this week and a zone conference in two weeks. So there is really no stress about timing it right.

That is about all! Happy this week everyone!

January 20, 2014

P.S. Go Seahawks!!

Sorry about that pre-script. I don't know who wrote that, maybe Elder Bottello did it while I was getting a drink (cough).

Anyway, had a pretty good week this week. Our invesigator’s baptism is finally settled for the 2 of Febuary (yes a fast sunday. Bishop really wants it on a Sunday). Other than that our new member is doing well. She is going through some adversity with regards to her past. I had a cool opportunity to testify to her on Friday about the nature of our life here on earth, and what it means to become like Christ. She is still struggling to forgive some people from her past, and doesn't want to accept that Christ would act differently. We have had some good moments teaching, and also have had some success with teaching active members. We received three referrals last week, though they are all in Stanstead (one hour drive south). We are also should start teaching Michelle this week, she is a really cool referral from Aubert. He gave her a Book of Mormon two months ago, and she is already through 2 Nephi and really liking the book. We really have high hopes for her.

In other news...there isn't much else. The sisters are being normal sisters, meaning they don't understand areas very well. First they marched into our areas and started teaching all the less actives, and are still fuming because Elder Wilbur told them to stop teaching most of them. Now they are trying to get their hands on some pass-off investigators in our areas (meaning investigators from elsewhere who moved into our area) just because they want them. Jordan Paige and Lizzie, when you are missionaries remember that the Lord assigns us to our specific areas for a reason. There are cases when sisters should go see single women outside their areas, but they shouldn't just go and start teaching EVERYONE without once informing the Elders whose area it is, and then go and get furious when those same Elders accidentally call a less active single man in the Sisters area and get invited over for dinner (and DO tell the sisters about it).

Sorry about that. I've been a little frustrated with this whole thing for a while. It's really sad that Jordan's papers are delayed.  Jordan don't let this get you down. The Lord has his hand in everything, especially when it comes to missionary work. Maybe your husband is running six months behind ;) 

Today is a letter day. I am going to write a letter to the MISH class, maybe some others, and definitely to Jordan. 

Dad: stop getting older while I'm not there!
Mom: There is no greater triumph in motherhood than 6 children strong in the faith.
Jordan: Laugh.
Tanner: never forget the most important trick in sharing the gospel: flirt to convert! (joke)
Paige: love others like yourself, but don't love yourself too much, so careful how much you care about others (joke again)
Ronnie: You are too tall.
Lizzy: Brontosaurus (for lack of a better phrase)

Elder Hardy