Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 18, 2013

Salut tout le monde!!

No news yet on transfers. That will be this saturday, then the transfer itself will be next Tuesday. I am pretty sure that I will at least be changing companions, and probably areas. I am looking foreward to some change of scenery and faces, but I will miss all the people here so much. The Yan Bergeron family (the Bergeron's are a local clan, the patriarch and most of the family came active again about a year ago, but Yan never went inactive. He served his mission in New Jersy but managed to not learn english) that invites us over to dinner every week (Sister Bergeron knows i don't like salad dressing, so she gives me a dry portion before putting in the dressing). I will miss Jimmy and Carol, and Gabrielle and Jeremy, and Aubert the French speaking convert version of Tanner. He is going on his mission soon and could very well be in the MTC around the same time as Tanner (by soon I mean in the late spring or Summer). 

This week we worked, and taught, and found, and talked with people. I am still having a hard time with the difficulty of the work, but my companion is a great help still, and The Lord is an even bigger help. I am still on an emotional roller coaster, with a lot of very high highs, and very low lows. I am really trying to open myself up to others, but so far it has left me very up and down. I have faith that this is just because I have gone so long with all my emotions and thoughts pent up, and it will take some time to adjust. My only options are to change or fail, and I have already decided that failure is not an option. Often when I am feeling the most down it is this knowledge that I have already decided to succeed that helps me pick myself up again. 

Enough about me. You asked a few questions! We get mail every time we meet as a zone. We have a zone meeting on Thursday in Longueil so I will get my package then. For Christmas I was thinking that I could really use some more developed pictures of you guys. All I have is one family photo, and that really isn't enough. I also want Jordan's mission call. That would be the best present ever. And maybe some brownies or something. And the new Pokemon game. That was a joke. I'm kidding guys, stop freaking out and stuff. Can't I be funny on my mission? 

That is just about it. I think I will send some pictuers now.

Elder Hardy

Mornings are pretty intense here in Quebec.

Me in partial winter apparel. I still need a sweater, a scarf, boots, and gloves.

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