Monday, September 16, 2013

September 2, 2013

Ronnie got Glasses!?!? What!?! That`s crazy! 

Sorry this is on Tuesday. Yesterday was a Quebec holiday so we moved p-day to tuesday for this week so we could still buy groceries. Tell Cade that I am extremely excited to hear about his call. I got an e-mail from Andrew (college roomate who is still 17 and attending BYU still) that this incoming class at BYU is 3000 students rather than the usual 5500 and only 1 out of every 3 is a guy. Truly the world is being flooded with missionaries. 

Not too much new stuff this week. Still working with our investigators. Gabrielle now has a date for the 19th of October. We have a new investigator named Chantal. We found her when it was 8:30 and we had just finished making some calls and doing some pass-byes. We decided to knock for the last couple minutes before we had to head home. For some reason we decided to start this massive appartment building. We climbed to the top, knocked the first door and it was some college guy who didn`t really want to talk. The second door was Chantal. She is a middle-aged woman living alone and struggling with some powerfull addictions. She really wants to learn about Christ and follow his teachings. She knows Christ can help her with her problems, but feels like she needs more faith. We gave her Alma 32 and she loved it. She understands the metaphor with the seed perfectly. We have a lot of hope for her (she is also meeting with the Jehova`s Witnesses, but she told us she doesn`t like what they teach. Man those guys are everywhere in Quebec). 

I get better and better at French each day. I can make myself understood pretty consistantly now, and I often times can understand what`s going on. I wish French had the possesive form (``Bob`s boat`` is ``the boat of Bob`` or ``Le bâteau de Bob``) Before long I`ll be able to understand what`s going on at sacrament meeting. 

We are trying to reduce our knocking and focus on member work and less-active work. We believe that this will bring us more referals and more solid investigators.

I know this gospel is true. Every day is a witness to me that I am working on the Lord`s errand. I love you all. 

Elder Hardy

Oh and we had my first Transfer calls on Saturday. No changes.

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