Monday, September 16, 2013

August 26, 2013

Hello guys. How is it going?

This week has been one of awe and baptismal dates. We went from zero investigators with a date to two with another really close to having one. First Virginie agreed to the 12th of October. Gabrielle wants to get baptized and we are working on commiting her to the 12th also. On Sunday yesterday one of our area's formers named Carol showed up at church and made an appointment with us. She wants to be baptized on her birthday in December, so it probably wont be us who baptize her. She took copious notes in Gospel Doctrines class.

We are working on increasing our member work. We have on average about as many lessons with Less-actives as we do with investigators each week, some-times more. French is starting to come. I still struggle with hard Quois accents, but I can communicate fairly well.

I'm not going to write too much today because we discovered today that Elder Murphy's camera cord works with my camera, so I'm going to send you guys pictures. I love all of you guys so much. To mister David from France I say salut, and merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! (P.S tell Paige about how Yannick the recent convert talked to us about how he's concerned that he's braking the word of Wisdom because he sleeps too much. It's a funny story:)

Elder Hardy

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