Monday, June 1, 2015

May 25, 2015

One. Last. Time.

Well this is the last time you have to rely entirely on the written word to know how I'm doing. For the rest of my life I'll be able to just call you. 

I'll keep things short as well. I always like to follow my Mother's example. When transfer calls came in we found out that we are both leaving Lasalle, and our area is closing. So we've been saying goodbye to people and making plans to clean the apartment so the landlord doesn't become an anti-mormon. We're going to be super busy these next few days, but not really doing missionary work. It's kind of weird. Today we're going down the the south shore for p-day to have a BBQ with some Elders that I'm super close to. It's going to be super awesome.  Then tonight we have a dinner with some members to say goodbye. Tomorrow we're cleaning the apartment (including scrubbing the shower walls to remove the crayon-like waxy stuff the previous elders used to draw stuff on the walls) then heading off the island again to have the "last supper," as our ward mission leader calls it, at his house. Then Wednesday Elder Hernandez heads off to Hochelaga to start a new phase of his mission; I get to hang out at the mission home, have a testimony meeting, eat with the elders I'm leaving with, sleep at the mission home, then wake up Thursday. Then I fly. 

At this point I'm pretty excited to get home. This last 6 weeks has been an emotional roller-coaster and I just want it to end. I haven't started packing yet, though that is more a result of laziness than anything else.

The Rodneys. Super nice and cool. The baby (Zion) loves my singing voice.

The Morales Family. Also super cool and awesome.

Chandra our investigator. She cried when we left. Going to miss her.

Me doing service sanding a wall

My comp doing the same. This is before he stepped on a rusty screw and we ended up sitting for hours in the emergency room waiting for his shot.

They wouldn't let me operate the sander. I'm just not buff enough I guess.

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