Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 18, 2015

short e-mails

So I have been accused of writing short e-mails these last few weeks. It's completely true. It's very hard to push myself to write a lot when I have started to think about when I need to start packing and what I should bring and what I should leave. It's not because I don't love you, it's because the stuff that has been going on lately varies only slightly from the happenings of the past two years. I agree with everyone else though. It doesn't feel like 2 years. It feels like maybe a few months. Then I think of all the memories and lessons I've learned. The awesome days and the absolutely horrible days. Funny enough if I had to pick out only a few days to keep from my mission it would mostly be made up of bad days and horrible mistakes. These are the days I learned the most. I'd also keep the personal studies from when I was in Ottawa. I learned more about the Bible and what it teaches about Christ during those months than my entire 4 years of Seminary (though that's not at all seminary's fault). 

What would I trade in exchange for these 2 years? Well, having my calling and election made sure and receiving the promise that I'll enter into exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom with my family, but other than that I wouldn't trade anything. Is it because I loved my mission? Well I loved a lot of things on my mission, though others took the form of "learning opportunities" (as I've mentioned above). Really rather than saying I loved my mission, I'd say I'm grateful to God and His Son Jesus Christ for the blessing and opportunity to serve, and if asked I would do it again. The second time around I wouldn't have to figure out why I was there half way through. I came the first time because it was what I was supposed to do. But I stayed because I have come to love my Savior, and I want to do anything I can to try and repay him for what he did, does, and has covenanted to continue to do for me. Was my service fun? Certain parts of it were, though those are memories that would get tossed out if I had to start losing memories because they are of no lasting value (beyond the friends I've made). I didn't come to have fun, I came to serve. Some missionaries do learn to find our work fun, but for me it has only been service, but like they teach in the newest Mormon message (watch it it's amazing), service is what heals the soul, and gives it substance. It makes it far easier to find ourselves, because there is so much more of us to find (credit to Elder Christofferson for that one).

I love you all so much! I'll be writing you again on Monday ONE LAST TIME!!! 

Love you all so much!
Elder Hardy

p.s. is my topic the same in the Y.S.A ward?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 11, 2015


Well I told you most of what is going on yesterday. It was super awesome to see all of your faces and hear your voices! My companion and I had to take a 30 minute nap after the calls just to be able to keep going. Then we went and visited a bunch of people who had fallen on the wayside during our illness. 

I'm finding it hard to believe that I only have two weeks left. It just doesn't register in my brain that this next weekly planning will be the last one I will carry out to its fullest. Too bad I never got an ipad (lol). That's really my only regret though.

We have a lesson tonight with our recent convert S, and we're going to give a blessing to R's son V. He's 5 years old and was recently declared cancer free after months of treatment, but now he has to return for a brain surgery of some kind. He needs our prayers.

Well I described our day today. Don't really know what else to talk about. Remember that I love you all to pieces. Remember that the Savior is at the helm. Nothing can separate us from his love except rebellion; but if we keep his commandments we will abide in his love (John 16:10ish). 

I know the Savior lives, and will come again at his own appointed day.
Love you!
Elder Hardy

May 4, 2015

Semi-redundant phone calls

Well I totally didn't know until I read mom's e-mail that Mother's day was this next Sunday. I thought it was the week after. Oh well no biggie. We already planned where we are going to do it and stuff. I'm excited to see your faces too! Then I'll see them again a few weeks after that.

Things are going all right over here. I'm still sick, though through the week it wasn't too bad. It got bad again this last weekend and we had to leave church early.  Even during the week when we were working it was hard because I just didn't have any energy. Still chugging along though :)

I've got to keep this e-mail brief because we're running behind, but I'll shoot you another e-mail later this week to confirm what time we're calling. Also I received my flight plans. I don't quite get why it's so long. I told a member about my round-about itinerary and he whipped out his smart phone and in 5 minutes found a flight with one stop in Detroit, then direct to Spokane that would have gotten me home before noon. Same day and same Airline as well. Not that it matters though.

Remember that the Atonement is a power of healing, but also a power that enables us to overcome and move past our weaknesses. I know that because I've experienced it.

Love, Elder Hardy